They may not look like it when you first look at it, but these Kate Spade handbags are definitely one of the top-notch designer handbags around. Kate Spade differentiates herself from other big-shot designers by producing sensible yet stylish bags for ladies. Her bags come with high quality but simple designs. Yet, even with the modest designs, these Kate Spade handbags managed to steal attention from other designer bags.
The hobo handbags from Kate Spade are unlike most of the ones we commonly see. They are neither slouchy nor slumpy. In fact, they look downright classy, very unlike the characteristics of a typical hobo bag. These hobo handbags achieved their high class standard with their simple designs that do not scream out for attention. The Gramercy Park Dani Hobo has Emporio Armani Sunglasses a combination of casualness and luxury. The luxury, of course, comes from the fact that it is made of Vachetta leather and has 14-karat gold plated hardware on its nylon body. It comes in Marc Jacobs Handbags the funky color of purple and is most suitable for any easy-going, sporting lady.
Most of the bags from Kate Spade sport a small and unobvious re ready to go.
But if you dont like this kind of bags, there are always the ones that close with a zip. Take the Condesa Stevie Tote for a change. This canvas tote features double shoulder strap and accentuated with gold tone hardware with beads accents. Of course, as mentioned, this is a bag that zips on the top. Another recommendable top-zip handbag would be the vintage-inspired Roland Park Dani. Made from goat hide, it boasts a single shoulder strap and has two external pocket flaps on the front. While it might not be as spacious as the drawstrings, there is enough room for the essential items.
For the ones who dons bags) using goat skin fabric with patent leather trim. The tan color can easily match most outfits which makes this bag versatile in use and fashion.
Most Yves Saint Laurent Handbags of the bags from Kate Spade are fairly priced and isnd never go wrong with Kate Spade handbags.